Cresview city manager discusses first year

Crestview News Bulletin

CRESTVIEW — Crestview City Manager Tim Bolduc is celebrating his first year in the position.

Appointed as the first Crestview city manager on Feb. 4, 2019, Bolduc recently talked with the Crestview News Bulletin about his initial year.

How would you describe your first year as city manager of Crestview?

If I was going to describe my first year I could probably do it in one word: whirlwind. There are so many great things going on at the city that we are constantly on the move. From changes within the city’s processes to new events and activities. There is always something going on.

How have you seen the city change during your first year as manager?

During this first year, I have come to see the city as home. The reception that my family and I received has been absolutely overwhelming.

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What are some goals that you set for the first year that you did not accomplish that you will look to accomplish this year?

Probably the biggest goal I had for myself that did not get accomplished yet would have to be the renovation of the Bush house and the opening of a Crestview Museum inside. This should happen in the next few months … fingers crossed.

What are some goals that you did accomplish?

We accomplished much more than I would have ever thought possible in this first year. The biggest goal, and the one I felt was most important, was strategic planning. In this first year we have been able to complete strategic planning for both the city and the CRA. This was essential to our success, and I am grateful that it has gone so well. In addition, I am very excited about some of the things we have been able to accomplish in recreation like the disc golf park and how close we are on purchasing Foxwood.

What have you learned about Crestview this past year that you did not know when you began?

I guess the biggest thing I learned this year about the city itself is the people here are deeply committed to Crestview and supportive. Prior to coming on board, I had many people from outside the city caution me about “how difficult” it would be to be the first city manager and how the people would not accept me. This could not have been farther from the truth. The residents, the council, and the staff have been amazing, not to mention I have never seen a community so willing to come out and support events and activities. There are always naysayers anywhere you go, but here in Crestview they are drowned out by people who love this community and want to see us move forward.

RELATED: City staff discusses building of disc golf course, skate park (2019)

What has it been like working with the current City Council and mayor?

The mayor and council have been amazing so far. I joke with Mayor Whitten that he is the hardest-working politician I have ever seen. They have been supportive and always are available when needed. We did not take it easy on them this year by taking up some difficult issues for the city, such as the alcohol ordinance and the decision to buy or not buy Foxwood. The people of Crestview should be proud of them, as I am.

What have been some of the most memorable moments?

Wow, there have been a ton of memorable moments this year, not the least of which was the loss of my mother shortly after I started and then several months later my sister. The outpouring of support from my new Crestview family during this time was more than I could ever express. I knew right away that this was the home for me and my family. Next would have to be last night when I got to sleep in my new home up here, I had a great local builder in Linc Grant construction who finished early and we’re very excited to get moved in early. I guess another memorable moment was when they draped that nasty snake around my neck at the Fall Festival — not my favorite experience.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Cresview city manager discusses first year