HAPPENINGS: Christmas is getting closer

There are 15 more shopping days until Christmas. Are you ready? Did you get great bargains over Black Friday?

I didn't take advantage of too much during the sales. We don't have many children to buy for like we used to have. Now the kids, nieces and nephews have grown up and would rather have money or gift cards.

What is your focus this Christmas season? Are you thinking just about the gifts you need to buy and the cards that need to be sent, the baking that needs to get done, or are you thinking about what the season really means?

It is always good to think about the true meaning of Christmas.

Christmas means that God sent his Son to earth as a baby to redeem us from our sins. What a kind and loving thing he did. How can we, in turn, be kind and loving to others who may need our help this time of year?

Several churches have an "Angel" tree where your family can "adopt" a child and buy them specific gifts, such as clothes, shoes, and other practical items. Other churches and ministries provide food boxes so that families who are struggling can have a nice meal on Christmas day.

There are other ministries that may have an entire family you can adopt and meet their needs for gifts, food, or even pay a bill or two. There are people who need our help this time of year. Check with your church office and see what resources are needed. Most churches can use our help during the Christmas season.

All animal rescues need food and money this time of year as well.

Some people, unfortunately, "dump" their pets when times are rough, and others want to get rid of their old pet and get a puppy or a kitten for their kids for Christmas. That is infuriating to me. Pets are not disposable. Please don't get a pet if you aren't willing to care for them their entire life.

We have lost many pets over the years because of age-related diseases. While it is never easy, it is part of being a responsible pet parent.

Save Our Cats and Kittens (SOCKS) can always use monetary donations as well as food, cleaning products and so forth. Their address is: 498 Carmel Dr., Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547, and their phone number is 850-863-5756.

Panhandle Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) also needs donations. Their address is: 452 Lovejoy Ave., Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 and their phone number is 850-243-1525.

Should you desire to add a pet to your family, please adopt from either SOCKS or PAWS, or another pet rescue. There are several  pet rescue organizations throughout the Crestview area with adorable cats and dogs for adoption.

Make your plans now as to how you would like to donate to your church or the cause of your choice. The Lord blesses us when we remember those in need.

Janice Lynn Crose

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: Christmas is getting closer