HAPPENINGS: Ways to celebrate your dad on Father's Day

CRESTVIEW — Here in the United States we celebrate Father's Day on the third Sunday of June each year. In 2021 we celebrate Father's Day on June 20.

What are your plans this weekend? How do you plan to spend Father's Day? Do you have fun activities such as a barbeque planned with the family?

Thinking of your dad, here are some questions to ponder. What is your most memorable time spent with your dad? What did your dad do extremely well? What was your dad's favorite activity? If he is no longer with you, what question would you like to ask him if you could?

In Exodus 20:12 the Lord commands us: "Honor thy Father and thy Mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." This is a command with a promise, something  we need to pay attention to, especially in today's culture of disrespect.

In Ephesians 6:1 we are told, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right." We are told to honor and obey our parents. How do we show honor to our fathers?

Obviously, when one becomes an adult and moves out of their parents' home, we no longer have to obey our fathers, but do we turn to them for advice? Do we still honor them? Are we kind, patient and loving toward our parents?

My dad and mom had great advice and I made very few important decisions without their advice. I valued their life experiences, wisdom and knowledge.

Good fathers are patient, kind, outstanding listeners, respectful to others and love their wives and children. Additionally, they provide financially, spiritually and emotionally for their families. Fathers also model a good work ethic, outstanding morals and character for their children and the world.

There are many qualities a good father should have, but most of all a father needs to be involved in his children's lives.

As I have mentioned before, the only perfect Father is the Lord God Almighty. He is the source of life and our blessings. Don't forget to thank him for your many blessings. Since he is the perfect Father, earthly fathers should model their behavior after his actions.

What gifts can we give our dads? Most of them have enough ties and knick-knacks, so let's try and get them something they will use.

Does your dad need a new Bible? What about some new sports equipment? An easy gift that is thoughtful is a handmade coupon book with chores that you will do for your father, things such as mowing and edging the lawn; washing the car; running errands; taking him to the movie of his choice, cleaning out the garage; or taking him to lunch or dinner.

Use your creativity. There are many "chores" that would suit your dad. You can even make blank ones so he can choose the chores he wants accomplished.

Remember, your father will not always be with you, so spend time with him now so you have no time regrets later on.

Happy Father's Day, Crestview dads!

Janice Lynn Crose

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: Ways to celebrate your dad on Father's Day