HAPPENINGS: School is back in session

Where did the summer go? I know that technically it is summer until Sept. 21, with the first day of fall being Sept. 22, and with this heat it still feels like summer.

Since school is now back in session, summer vacation is now over for most students.

Janice Lynn Crose

Now that children are back in school we need to be mindful of our driving. Children and teenagers don't always make the best decisions, so it is up to us, as adults, to watch out for them.

Please pay extra attention to both pedestrian and vehicle traffic before pulling out of a parking lot onto the street, particularly around schools. Be aware of all traffic, especially bicyclists and pedestrians.

Our children are precious and we don't want them hurt due to any distractions.

Slow down around schools, bus stops and school buses. When a school bus pulls over and stops to let children on or off the bus, once the red lights are on, whether the "stop" sign is out or not, stop while children are entering or exiting.

Do not try to quickly pass the bus so you don't have to stop, as you may hit a child.

No one's time is more important than a child's life. It is our duty to protect them from mistakes, such as stepping in front of a car when exiting the bus or not paying attention to traffic.

Older students also have responsibilities. When walking either to or from school or the bus stop, students need to walk on the side of the street or, if possible, on the sidewalks.

Walking in the middle of a street and blocking traffic could lead to an accident. No one wants a student to get struck by a vehicle.

The students need to be aware that many of the vehicles are driven by people trying to get to work on time. There needs to be respect on the part of both the drivers and the students so that everyone gets to their respective destination safely.

Both drivers and pedestrians need to pay attention when out on the streets.

One safety tip for drivers is to leave for your destination earlier so you don't feel the need to speed. The safety of our children is much more important than getting some place earlier.

Students need to be taught the following safety rules:

  • Look both ways before crossing a street or parking lot.
  • Don't walk between parked cars as it is too difficult to be seen.
  • Don't run across a street, as one could trip and get injured.
  • If possible, cross the street with a light or a crossing guard.

Let's be aware of our students and drive carefully this new school year. We pray that both students and teachers will have a successful year.

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: School is back in session