Newest Crestview Police Department officer sworn in

CRESTVIEW — Officer Kimberley D. Beasley was sworn in Sept. 16 as Crestview’s newest police officer, with Mayor JB Whitten administering her oath of office and Police Chief Stephen McCosker pinning on her patrolwoman’s badge.

Crestview Police Chief Stephen McCosker pins on his newest officer’s badge during Kimberley Beasley’s swearing-in ceremony Sept. 16 in Crestview.

Originally from Pensacola, Officer Beasley holds dual Florida certification in both corrections and law enforcement, serving previously as a corrections officer at the Escambia County Jail and the Santa Rosa Correctional Institution.

She is a 2018 graduate of the George Stone Technical Institution in Pensacola who said she “wanted somewhere to go where I can make a difference. I was looking for a smaller agency,” and found it at CPD.

Mayor JB Whitten swears in Crestview’s newest police officer, Kimberley Beasley, in Warriors Hall Sept. 16 in Crestview.

“You’re going to love working for this city,” Whitten told her following her swearing in.

Before administering the oath of office, the mayor noted, “There are certain jobs I hold in very, very high esteem, and politicians are not one of them. But our police officers and firefighters definitely are at the top of the list.”

Crestview Police Department Officer Kimberley Beasley poses with Police Chief Stephen McCosker and Mayor JB Whitten following her swearing-in Sept. 16 in Crestview.

The mayor assured Beasley — and the other officers gathered in her support as she joined their agency — that the city supports its police department.

“We have your backs like you have our backs every day,” Whitten said.

Crestview Police Department Officer Kimberley Beasley recites the oath of office during her swearing in ceremony as its newest police officer Sept. 16 in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Newest Crestview Police Department officer sworn in