HAPPENINGS: Being kind and praying for others

CRESTVIEW —While I realize that not everyone in Crestview is a Christian, most of the residents are kind, compassionate and caring people. We do have many believers in our town and this column is written to them.

When you meet someone, or someone shares a concern with you and you state that you will pray for them, do you? Do you follow up right then and pray with them, do you pray for them at home, or do you forget that you promised to pray for them and their specific needs?

My memory isn't as sharp as it was when I was in my 20s, so I now have white boards and an Excel spreadsheet for my prayer requests. I can easily add requests to the spreadsheet and date them when they are answered. One of the saddest things I can think of in this life is to promise to pray for someone and then never actually do it.

We need to be sensitive to the needs of others and offer kindness when we can. A smile, a kind word, and for those we may not see very often, a cheerful card mailed to them works wonders. It only costs a little over one dollar to buy and mail a card these days. One can find very nice cards at the Dollar General or Dollar Tree. Two cost a dollar and then a stamp is 55 cents. It takes some time and effort, but it is well worth it for the smile it will bring to someone's face.

In these days when it is difficult to visit others because of COVID-19, a sweet card or note is very welcome to those who can't get out much. My mother-in-law was also a sender of cards. She had a computer program and made cards on the computer and sent them. They were beautiful and it was very special to get a card from her.

Don't forget birthdays and holidays when sending cards. I send cards for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter, and I think most people appreciate the thought and effort put into them. Get well and sympathy cards are also appreciated.

Let's fill our corner of the world with love, kindness and prayer for others. Have a wonderful week!

Janice Lynn Crose

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: Being kind and praying for others