HAPPENINGS: Ways to get ready for Christmas this year

CRESTVIEW — Are you in the Christmas mood? Have you put up your outside lights and displays? Some of our neighbors have their homes adorned. Ours will wait a few weeks before everything is set up. The cooler weather helps get our family into the Christmas mood.

Some other holiday activities include playing Christmas music in your home and watching the Hallmark Christmas movies. Did you get your Christmas list written and identified who gets what gift, how much it costs and in what store it is located?

My family not only has to shop, but we then have to ship the gifts out of state. I love online shopping sites that will ship directly to the recipient. 

I have pulled out my Christmas card list and am in the process of updating the names and addresses so I won't get returned cards. Inevitably one or two get returned each year. I have made and purchased Christmas cards, so all that is left is to print the labels and letters, and begin to assemble them. My husband, Jim, generally gets the job of stamping and putting the return address labels on the envelopes.

Did you find good Christmas bargains on Black Friday and Cyber Monday? The only item we purchased was a self-cleaning litter box for the cats. We hope this technology will make our lives easier and that the cats will use this type of box.

As our parents, grandparents and even friends age, what they want or need as gifts may change. Many people would like the gift of time. You and your family can make homemade gift cards for items such as:

  • One hour of visiting time.
  • One hour of raking leaves in the yard.
  • One hour of decorating their home for the holidays.
  • Taking them to the grocery store once a week.
  • Taking them out to lunch or dinner.
  • Picking up their prescriptions.
  • Fixing them a homemade meal.
  • Cleaning their house.
  • Cleaning out the rain gutters.

There are many other tasks that older people need help with. Use your thinking skills and come up with some helpful ideas. Giving a book of coupons for use throughout the year would be very thoughtful.

The gift of helping is very valuable and meaningful, especially to seniors. No one wants to be a burden, and this is a way to make it fun to help others. 

Remember that your church also needs help. Ask at your church office what chores need to be accomplished and offer to help.

Our church in California had volunteers straighten up and clean the sanctuary for Sunday morning services. Others folded the bulletin each week, while others maintained the premises.

As my great-grandmother used to say, "Many hands make light work."

I watched many friendships develop while people worked together on projects at the church. 

Let's think of others during this holiday time and not get too stressed with the season.

Janice Lynn Crose

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: Ways to get ready for Christmas this year