HAPPENINGS: Treasuring family gifts and looking forward to the new year

Did you have a merry and blessed Christmas with your family and friends? Did you receive the gifts that you wanted? Did you receive Jesus, the greatest gift of all? His birth, which is why we celebrate Christmas, was to bring salvation to the world.

We all get a variety of gifts, and some of them stand out more than others. Sometimes just a small gift is more meaningful than a larger more expensive gift, as it has loving memories behind it.

I look at the beautiful quilts my mother made over the years and see all the love that she put into them, as well as the quilt and afghans Jim's mother made for him. As we grow older, we don't need as many possessions to make us happy as most of us have houses full of items we have accumulated over the years.

My husband, Jim, requested a new screen door for the back porch. This was a practical gift and one that is on order for him. We send gifts to the grandchildren as they outgrow clothing and jackets and love new toys each year.

What plans do you have for the new year? It is difficult to believe that 2022 is almost upon us.

We used to spend New Year's Eve at Walt Disney World, but have decided that is a long drive for just a few days. We have no particular plans and may just ring in the New Year by watching the local count down from Pensacola. Maybe I can convince my husband to play Monopoly with me.

As you know from reading my column over the years, I am not much of a resolution person, but there always areas in our lives that could use improvement. What are some areas that you'd like to work on in 2022? Did you make any lifestyle changes in 2021 that you'd like to carry forward?

Are you eating healthier, more fresh vegetables and fruits and less processed foods? Did you spend more time exercising than in previous years? Are you getting plenty of sunshine, our natural vitamin D? Whatever changes you'd like to make, start now so that 2022 will be a successful year.

Did you manage to read through the Bible in 2021? If not, you have an entire new year ahead to do so. There are many Bible reading plans on the internet that you can follow and your church may also have a Bible reading plan.

Perhaps there is a program or charity that could use your particular skills. Make this the year to volunteer your time and talents. Take stock of where you are today, decide where you'd like to be on Dec. 31, 2022 and make a plan.

These past two years have been difficult and our prayer is that everyone has a very happy, healthy New Year!

Janice Lynn Crose

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: Treasuring family gifts and looking forward to the new year