LETTER: Walker Elementary parking is ‘absurd’

Editor’s Note: This letter is in response to another letter to the editor, “About Walker Elementary's traffic fiasco."

Dear editor,  

The whole situation is absurd. First, a few years ago, they took away the privilege of parking across the street from the school. Then last year you could no longer park in front of the school.

They have rearranged the whole picking-up-your-child concept, and it is not working.

School is out at 3, and my child is never in my car until 3:30. Today I was at school at 2:40 — up front, may I add — and (my child was) still not in my car until 3:30.

Not sure how it is going to be fixed, but something has to give.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Walker Elementary parking is ‘absurd’