BROADHEAD: Freedom of choice is part of God's love

“We are unable go sailing through life without challenges or difficulties. Life happens! But when you place the Lord at the center of your life, you come to realize he is there in the midst of it all, helping you gain blessings from even hurtful events.”

We live in a world of contrasts. People would like to think that all matters are cut and dried, this or that. The truth is, there are a lot of gray areas in life. Things are not all the same.

There are people who do good things and people who do evil things. There are good circumstances and hurtful circumstances. Good things happen and bad things happen. And a whole host in between.

Does God cause bad things to happen? Some people say yes. “God is punishing you for something you did.” That is definitely an Old Testament point of view.

Does God cause bad things to happen? Absolutely not. Does God allow bad things to happen? Yes. And there is a huge difference.

Remember that God has given us the ability to make choices in our lives. Those choices have consequences for good or for ill — not only for ourselves, but for other people as well. And just as our choices affect others, so do others’ choices affect us.

Freedom of choice is part of our God being a loving God. He doesn’t manipulate us, nor force us to behave in certain ways. In love, he plants seeds and then allows us to let those seeds grow to maturity, or to let them remain dormant forever. The choice is ours. The consequences are ours. But God is always there to help pick up the pieces and heal our broken spirits — when we let him.

In Romans 8:28 we read, “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” People have no problem with this as long as it pertains to good things in life. But God also works in the bad times — which, when looked at through the proper lens, can turn a “bad situation” into a good one.

When you look back at your life and remember the bad, challenging and difficult times, do you not see growth and strength that came from them? Do you see how those times helped shape and mold you into a better person? Much growth in life takes place through difficulties.

We are unable go sailing through life without challenges or difficulties. Life happens! But when you place the Lord at the center of your life, you come to realize he is there in the midst of it all, helping you gain blessings from even hurtful events.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BROADHEAD: Freedom of choice is part of God's love