Crestview man faces child sex abuse charges

CRESTVIEW — Chad Theodore Dillon, 44, of Crestview, has been indicted on 11 counts related to the sexual abuse of children, according to a media release from United States Attorney A. Lee Bentley III.

These charges include coercion and enticement of a minor, traveling with the intent to engage in sexual conduct with a minor, production of child pornography, transportation of child pornography, advertising for child pornography, and receipt of child pornography.

If convicted, Dillon faces a mandatory minimum penalty of 15 years in federal prison on four of the counts, and a maximum of life in federal prison on two of the counts.

On Aug. 3, Dillon was arrested in Jacksonville in relation to a criminal complaint. He is being held in federal custody.  

According to court documents, between July 6 and 13, Dillon engaged in graphic online conversations with a 15-year-old. During these conversations, he allegedly discussed his intention to travel to Georgia to have sex with the child.

Dillon took a photo of himself engaged in sexual activity with the child and sent it to her, according to the media release, which stated he also sent the child explicit photos of himself.

No photo of Dillon has been made available as of this writing.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview man faces child sex abuse charges