LETTER: Republicans — vote with your conscience

Dear editor,

Despite its claims, the Democratic Party doesn’t have a monopoly on mercy.

Matt Gaetz is one of Florida’s most conservative legislators, but he’s also one of the most caring, and time and again he’s stood up for the voiceless and most vulnerable among us. That includes the unborn, for whom he has been a stalwart defender, and it also includes animals.

In 2013, Gaetz sponsored Florida HB 851, a bill that holds animal abusers accountable for every act of cruelty they commit.

More recently, he’s led efforts to crack down on greyhound racing, a costly, government-mandated pastime that results in the senseless deaths of scores of dogs each year in front of empty grandstands.

As an attorney, Gaetz sued Okaloosa County to stop a proposed tax on pet owners that would have made it harder for seniors on fixed incomes to care for their family pets. He did this not for votes, but based on a strong conviction that people and animals deserve decency.

Now, it’s time to restore common sense to Washington, and also a little compassion.

On Aug. 30, I’d encourage all Republicans with conscience to cast their votes for Matt Gaetz.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Republicans — vote with your conscience