Big Red Machine drum majors share advice, expectations

Crestview High School band drum major Kaitlin Cabrillas is flanked by co-majors Cameron Wakeland, left, and Chloé Berkley.

CRESTVIEW — As the Big Red Machine expands, its growth manifests itself in several ways.

A bigger, stronger sound. More action from the color guard and flag team. And a third drum major to help guide the 280-member Crestview High School band.

This year, band major Kaitlin Cabrillas is joined by co-majors Chloé Berkley and Cameron Wakeland. They helped Director Jody Dunn, assistant band director Charlie Anderson and intern Preston Cheek marshal the band from nearly 300 individuals into one cohesive unit. Here, we talk about the experience.

News Bulletin: How do you, a peer, keep band members disciplined?

Kaitlin: Talk to them like you’d want to be talked to.

Cameron: They’re likely to listen to you if they see you’re on their side. They don’t respond to yelling. You catch more flies with honey.

Chloé: We have to be serious out here on the field. You can be friends in class.

NB: Any advice for freshmen band members?

Kaitlin: It is overwhelming at first but you get used to it. We went through it, too. We remind them of that.

Cameron: Listen to your section leaders and listen to Mr. Dunn and Mr. Anderson.

Chloé: In the midst of everything that goes on, it’s easy to get so scared, but it gets easier.

NB: Any advice for aspiring band majors?

Kaitlin: Don’t let your fears stop you.

Cameron: Don’t be afraid of other people. Show you’re a leader.

Chloé: Try to set an example every year you’re in band. If you don’t act like a drum major all the time, people aren’t going to want you to be their drum major when you’re a senior.

NB: What are your post-graduation plans?

Kaitlin: I want to stay involved with music but I don’t know if I’ll major in it in college. I want to study nursing.

Cameron: Same here. I want to be in the concert band on the side, but I will major in biology because I want to be pre-med.

Chloé: Same with me. I want to major in biology, and maybe do some music on the side.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Big Red Machine drum majors share advice, expectations