BROADHEAD: Seeking God gives life meaning

“When you realize God's presence in this world you are able to recognize the beauty of what life is all about. You can see the beauty of a sunrise; of a sunset. You can recognize the wonder in a child's birth, and even in the death of an elderly person who lived a long, fulfilling life.”

In various ways, people seek recognition. This is often an attempt at finding a sense of purpose. It is an attempt to find meaning. It is an attempt to know their life is worthwhile and that they are loveable.

When normal relationships are somewhat lacking, a person turns to avenues that say, “Hey! Look at me!”

Some search for fame. Some look for accolades by coming up with new inventions. Some perform evil acts against other human beings.

Such endeavors often turn up empty.

There is only one who can give life meaning.

God has created each one of us with a place in our heart for him alone. It is a hole that only he can fill. Nothing else we try to fit, jam or force into that hole will work.

There is no meaning in life without God in our hearts. He will give us meaning if we let him.

When you realize God’s presence in this world you are able to recognize the beauty of what life is all about. You can see the beauty of a sunrise; of a sunset. You can recognize the wonder in a child’s birth, and even in the death of an elderly person who lived a long, fulfilling life.

And the way you let God fill that hole in your heart is by accepting Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.” He has come to fill that space in your life so you can have an abundant, meaningful, and fulfilling life.

He said, “Come, all who are weary and overburdened and I will give you rest.”

He is the one who will make all the difference in this world.

He is the one who will erase what feels futile.

He is the one who will helps us find meaning and purpose.

Searching for purpose and meaning in life will turn up empty results. A life without God makes no sense at all.

But with God, everything falls into its proper place.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BROADHEAD: Seeking God gives life meaning