BACK TO SCHOOL: Crestview principals' advice for new students

Crestview High School Principal Dexter Day and Davidson Middle School Principal Jay Sanders encourage their students to join co-curricular clubs and sports teams.

CRESTVIEW — Transferring to a new school, or moving up to middle or high school, can be exciting but also challenging.

Crestview High School Principal Dexter Day and Davidson Middle School Principal Jay Sanders offered this advice.


“This is a big change for many students – freshmen and transfers alike,” Day said of advancing to high school. “You may feel overwhelmed at first, but one thing you should know is you are not the only one that feels that way.

“Take a deep breath and make a plan. Go to class, get organized, study and always give it 100 percent.

“Be your own competition. Work on one thing every day that you want to improve, but do it to better yourself, not to be better than someone else.

“And most important, ask for help if you need it.  Every administrator, faculty and staff member at Crestview High School wants you to succeed. Each teacher at Crestview High offers tutoring times as well as school-wide tutoring, which is offered on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays after school.

“We will do everything possible to provide the support you need — you just need to supply a great effort.”


Advancing from elementary school to middle school can be an exciting though challenging time for students, Davidson Middle School Principal Jay Sanders said.

“The biggest thing I would do is encourage them to get involved,” Sanders said. “We offer a lot of things like athletics, extra-curriculars and clubs. I would encourage students to get involved in their school and become a part of their school.”

To facilitate that transition, Davidson held Panther Camp July 28 just for incoming sixth-graders.

“We’re doing something a little new this year,” Sanders said. “We’re not letting parents come to it. It’s just for the kids to meet new friends and ease some of that stress.”

Parents had their own orientation, Sanders said.

“We had tips and advice to help the parents with the transition to middle school, help them sign up for apps, look at grades online, and let them know what are requirements to be promoted,” Sanders said.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BACK TO SCHOOL: Crestview principals' advice for new students