CROSE: 7 tips for a successful school year

One of the ways to have a successful school year is to attend back-to-school events so that you can meet your child's teacher in person, Janice Crose says.

It seems the older one gets, the faster time flies; at least, it does for me.

It seems only yesterday that school let out for the summer. Now we are facing classes beginning on Aug. 10 here in Crestview.

Some special rehearsals and classes will begin earlier. The show choirs at Crestview High School began rehearsals on Aug. 1 to start learning their music, and I know other programs will begin soon, or have already begun.

It appears that summer is over for our students.

With school upon our horizon, here are a few tips for a successful school year for all of our students.

●Make sure your child has the proper amount of rest.

●Talk with your child about having a positive attitude about learning.

●Make learning at home a fun activity and reinforce what they are learning at school.

●Give your child the proper tools to succeed at school — such as pencils, paper and crayons.

●Feed them a good, nutritious breakfast.

●Encourage the desire to learn in your household. Have your child learn to look up facts in an encyclopedia or online so they can feel pride in finding the answer to a question.

●Attend back-to-school events so that you can meet your child's teacher in person.

Be kind to your children's teachers. Being back in school is always an adjustment for both students and teachers. A new routine is being established, and it may take several days to establish it.

While I think it is of great benefit to assist your children with their studies and homework, remember it is their work, not yours. They won't learn if you do all the work for them.

This year, the sales tax free days for back to school are from Aug. 5-7. This year's limits are $60 per item for clothing, shoes and some accessories; and $15 per item for school supplies.

Sales tax-free purchases can be a valuable tool, so make sure you take advantage of that particular benefit.

Teachers and students, I hope that you have a very successful year in school!

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CROSE: 7 tips for a successful school year