Republican District 1 Congressional candidate forum set

Republican candidates for Congressional District 1 who will speak at an Okaloosa Republican Club forum are, top to bottom, from left, Rebekah Johansen Bydlak, Cris Dosev, Greg Evers, Brian Frazier, Matt Gaetz, Mark Wichern and James Zumalt. The forum is 6:30 p.m. at hte American Legion in Fort Walton Beach.

CRESTVIEW — The Okaloosa County Republican Club is hosting a forum for Congressional District 1 Republican candidates Rebekah Johansen Bydlak, Cris Dosev, Greg Evers, Brian Frazier, Matt Gaetz, Mark Wichern and James Zumalt.

Event moderators are Marvin Brigman and Brian Mitchell of OCREC.

The forum is 6:30 p.m. July 28 at the American Legion, Hollywood Blvd., Fort Walton Beach.

The forum is free to attend.

Dinner costs $15 per person; to make a reservation, call 376-2287.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Republican District 1 Congressional candidate forum set