HART: Melania unnecessarily maligned; open hunting season on cops

Here are summaries of news stories I didn’t get to write about, just in case you missed them.

●The historical musical “Hamilton” continues to win awards, including 11 Tonys. The cast of “Hamilton” has also teamed up with Hillary Clinton to raise money for her campaign, which is ironic since the title character carried a gun to duel, started the N.Y. Stock Exchange, and set the country on the path of free-market capitalism.

●Bill Clinton says he was playing golf at age 70 in the 108-degree Arizona heat. It was so hot in Phoenix then, and with Bill Clinton in the area, a warning had to go out to locals about the risks to the elderly in the heat.

His jet just happened to be near Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s at the Phoenix airport, so they chatted about grandchildren (they say, but probably they chatted about grand juries).

●GOP and business leaders are starting to warm up to Donald Trump. Brilliant businessman Bernie Marcus and his Home Depot co-founder, Ken Langone, were two of the first to endorse Trump.

But to be fair, their company colors are orange and white, so it seemed like a natural move.

●The GOP convention began in Cleveland, where LeBron James recently made history — by returning to Cleveland. He’s the first person ever to do so willingly, and not under extradition.

The left maligned Melania Trump’s speech and found trite lines all our parents told us like “work hard for what you want in life,” and said she plagiarized it.

Yet, in Michelle Obama’s 2012 convention speech she stole the Vince Lombardi line without attributing it when she said “being president doesn’t change who you are, it reveals who you are.”

Nary a peep out of the media.

She could have said “Fourscore, and seven years ago,” and the media would have applauded her.

●Hillary, whose main campaign theme is that she is a woman, has been struggling to rewrite the history surrounding her defense of Bill’s womanizing.

She has also lashed out against countries where she and Bill collected fat fees giving speeches. But then she singled out Qatar, Kuwait and the Saudi empire for supporting terrorism and not helping enough to fight it.

This can only mean one thing: those countries' checks to the Clinton Foundation must have bounced.

●The water wars continue in drought-stricken California. Texas, which has plenty of rivers to provide desperately needed water to Southern California via a proposed pipeline, has found that idea blocked by liberal Democrat regulators in D.C. They say it is an environmental issue because the pipeline might adversely affect the migratory flow of young Democrats from Mexico.

●Internet security remains a problem, but it really matters when it affects football. The NFL's Twitter account was hacked.

The attackers posted that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell had died, but real followers of pro football knew this was a fraud.

They knew if someone had actually killed the NFL commish, he would have to face the certain and immediate punishment of a two-game suspension.

●With his one-sided defense, unsupported by facts of blacks shot by police, President Barack Obama and fellow liberals have ushered in a hunting season against cops.

After every shooting, Obama gives whatever the opposite of a pep talk is to police and then calls America racist. Black Lives Matter’s Ferguson shooting-based mantra, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” is a lie. It never happened. Even a black Harvard professor’s study concluded that there is no racial bias in police shootings.

But race-obsessed politicians say, “The struggle continues.” Apparently, their struggle is to understand the facts.

Ron Hart, a libertarian op-ed humorist and award-winning author, is a frequent guest on CNN. Contact him at Ron@RonaldHart.com or tweet@RonaldHart.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HART: Melania unnecessarily maligned; open hunting season on cops