UPDATE: Senate votes to rename Laurel Hill post office for fallen local soldier

Last night, the Senate passed legislation sponsored by Congressman Jeff Miller (R-FL-1) designating the United States Postal Service facility at 3957 2nd Avenue in Laurel Hill, Florida, as the "Sergeant First Class William 'Kelly' Lacey Post Office."

The House of Representatives passed the legislation on May 23  of this year. 

Army Sergeant First Class William “Kelly” Lacey was completing his second tour in Afghanistan when his life was tragically taken during a rocket propelled grenade attack.

“Without question Sergeant Lacey embodied the true American spirit and that of a warrior,” Miller said. “He bravely dedicated his life to protecting our freedom and naming this Post Office after him in his home town is just a small way of saying thank you and memorializing his ultimate sacrifice.”

Army Sgt. 1st Class William “Kelly” Lacey died on Jan. 4, 2014, while fending off attackers on his unit’s outpost in Nangarhar province in Afghanistan.  He died from injuries sustained while protecting his fellow soldiers when enemy combatants breached friendly defensive positions with a car bomb.

“I am humbled to take on this effort to honor Kelly’s sacrifice to our great Nation,” Miller added. “He is a true hero and a fitting example of service, dedication, and excellence in our community.” 

Now, the president just has to sign off on the renaming.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: UPDATE: Senate votes to rename Laurel Hill post office for fallen local soldier