Laurel Hill to seek grant for water system backup

Crystal Wetherington of Preble-Rish Consulting Engineers presents information to the Laurel Hill City Council about new Northwest Florida Water Management District grants becoming available. Municipal consultant Pat Blackshear, left, and Mayor Robby Adams listen.

LAUREL HILL — A Northwest Florida Water Management District grant could fund City Councilman Travis Dewrell’s idea to provide backup for the city’s water system.

Earlier this year, Dewrell proposed looking into tapping into the Auburn Water System, Paxton’s water system, or both, depending on which option is cheaper. Dewrell since learned available grant money might allow interdependence for all three systems.

“They’re releasing a million dollars, to average about $100,000 per project,” Crystal Wetherington of Preble-Rish Consulting Engineers said during a July 7 presentation to the City Council.

Wetherington said the grant money can be used for most projects that improve water services “for economically distressed communities.” One such recently completed project was construction of a series of system “loops” that led to improvements of Jay’s water supply.

Dewrell said having the possibility to tap into neighboring water supplies will let service to Laurel Hill customers continue in case an emergency, such as lightning or a storm shutting down pumps and backup equipment.

“Having our system linked up with a neighboring system seems like a huge priority,” Dewrell said. “Any problem we could possibly have with our water system, we can overcome by purchasing water from a neighboring system, and by the same token, we can sell them water from our system.”

“Linking water systems is a priority, and it's something the (water) district wants to see,” municipal consultant Pat Blackshear said.

With applications due Aug. 10, the council by consensus directed Preble-Rish to apply for a grant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Laurel Hill to seek grant for water system backup