Family awards 2016 Whitney Langley memorial softball scholarship

Taylor Rolison is the winner of the 2016 Whitney Megan Langley Memorial Softball Scholarship. The family presented the award to Rolison June 3 near the CHS monument built in Langley's honor.

CRESTVIEW — A Crestview High softball player is the recipient of the 2016 Whitney Megan Langley Memorial Softball Scholarship.

The Langley family created the scholarship eight years ago after Whitney, a former pitcher for the CHS softball team, died in a car accident while playing college softball in Alabama.

The family congratulates this year's scholarship winner, Taylor Rolison. The award is presented based on nominees' traits of leadership, teamwork and dedication.

Whitney's parents, Marge and Greg Langley of Crestview, and their children stated in a media release, "Throughout her career at CHS, Taylor has shown dedication to the game, put in countless hours of hard work and has been a proven leader on the field.

"She will continue her career at the University of West Florida in the Fall. Congratulations Taylor! The Langley family is very proud of you, and we know Whitney would be too!"

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Family awards 2016 Whitney Langley memorial softball scholarship