PART 1 of 2: Crestview CRA approves contracting with ad agency (VIDEO)

Stephen Smith, senior account executive with the Petermann Agency, describes his firm's expertise to the Community Redevelopment Agency Board as the agency's team leader, outgoing CRA Director Brenda Smith, observes.

CRESTVIEW — The Community Redevelopment Agency Board has voted 6-1 to replace a $40,000 per year director with a $118,500 per year ad agency contract.

But it gets to keep its current director and her wealth of institutional knowledge.

Director Brenda Smith’s contract was extended two months through June while the board reassessed her job description and issued a local and statewide request for qualifications — called an RFQ — for “comprehensive administrative and operations management services.”

Smith, meanwhile, joined the Petermann Agency, a Fort Walton Beach advertising, design, public relations and marketing firm, as a team leader.

Petermann was the only company to respond to the RFQ. The vote authorizes city staff to draft a contract between Petermann and the CRA.


CRA board member JB Whitten, who cast the lone dissenting vote, said he had several concerns about the turn the CRA was taking.

“My biggest one is we now have a director of the CRA that does not work for the board of the CRA,” Whitten said. “She works for the Petermann Agency now…

“I know it sounds wild, but the day after we sign that contract, the agency could fire her and replace her with anyone they want and we have no say in the matter…I’m not a control freak, but if we have a director, I want the director working for us.”

Board member Doug Faircloth also expressed some skepticism.

“We're spending a lot of money for a director, and now we're talking about spending a lot more for an agency,” Faircloth said. “What for? Are we going to fill some of these 16 empty store fronts on Main Street?”


Smith said contracting with a firm that has multifaceted expertise is crucial to the district’s continued improvements, including filling vacant business properties.

“This is a critical piece that the CRA and Main Street (Crestview Association) need right now,” Smith said. “Coming in as a team totally covers our redevelopment effort. Not only are we doing the administrative piece but we’re doing the redevelopment.”

Addressing board members’ concerns, Growth Management Director Teresa Gaillard, under whose department the CRA and Main Street Crestview Association fall, said Smith, as a Petermann employee, will no longer draw a CRA salary or have authority over CRA money.

“Whereas Miss Brenda used to sign (checks), she will no longer have that privilege,” Gaillard said. City Clerk “Mrs. (Betsy) Roy will remain in oversight for the city so we have multi-layered checks and balances so we will remain transparent.”

As team leader for Petermann’s Crestview account, Smith will still be based at City Hall.

“I haven't abandoned the CRA or the board,” Smith said during a Monday evening CRA meeting. “What I'm doing is bringing a whole team to the board.



The Petermann Agency, upon signing a contract with the Community Redevelopment Agency Board, proposes these redevelopment steps:

●Understanding CRA and Main Street Crestview Association goals and mission

●Assessments and market research, including business and resident surveys

●Develop communication network between CRA, businesses, Main Street and city government

●Set strategies and make recommendations for revitalization

●Focus on economic development and vitality; designing a district “brand”; promoting and marketing the district

●Measuring results

Source: The Petermann Agency

The Petermann Agency, upon signing a contract with the Community Redevelopment Agency Board, proposes these redevelopment steps:

●Understanding CRA and Main Street Crestview Association goals and mission

●Assessments and market research, including business and resident surveys

●Develop communication network between CRA, businesses, Main Street and city government

●Set strategies and make recommendations for revitalization

●Focus on economic development and vitality; designing a district “brand”; promoting and marketing the district

●Measuring results

Source: The Petermann Agency


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: PART 1 of 2: Crestview CRA approves contracting with ad agency (VIDEO)