NITZEL: Crestview library begins summer reading challenge

Crestview resident Christine Bourque takes a picture of her son Kyle, age 9, while brother Nathan, age 8, hams it up with the drum he made tucked under his arm during an instrument petting zoo May 24 at the Warriors Hall in Crestview.

The Crestview Robert L. F. Sikes Public Library officially challenges all children ages 6-14 to exercise your most important muscle…your brain…by reading at least 20 minutes each day from June 10-July 19! 

You can earn 40 Funny Money Dollars by reading every day!  Extra fun reading logs (complete with stickers) are available at the library in front of the Story Room while supplies last. 

Not-as-fun-but-functional reading logs are available at on our calendar. 

Wow next year’s teacher(s) by not letting your brain turn to mush this summer!

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: NITZEL: Crestview library begins summer reading challenge