Lance C. Richbourg School honors job training partners (PHOTOS)

CRESTVIEW — Richbourg School helps special-needs students reach their full potential socially and academically, and that includes preparing them for the workforce.

See a photo gallery of Richbourg On the Job Training program partners>>

The school has students from pre-K to age 22. Once they are in high school, teachers begin preparing them for “the real world.”

Classtime is used for preparation of expected work practices, or on-the-job training. In addition to learning expected work practices, students gain work skills through business partners’ donated time and expertise.

Business partners train students on tasks needed in the workplace. Students gain work experience, along with references to help them obtain gainful employment before or after graduation.

"We have several students who have been hired by our business partners before they have graduated," a school spokesperson said.

Students rotate job placement throughout the year, which allows them to learn the skills necessary for different workplaces.

The job placement rotation gives students the privilege of working with many of the school's business partners.


Business owners interested in letting Richbourg students work for them can call Cindy Brunson at 689-5085.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Lance C. Richbourg School honors job training partners (PHOTOS)