HUBBUB: Down with tests; respect those who serve food

Our readers shared their thoughts on school art programs, Crestview’s new courthouse and how to treat fast food restaurant staffers.


People incorrectly label talent as the end-all of the arts. Talent is where a person starts and can, at some level, determine a certain amount of natural progression for whatever his or her "talent" is in. Proper instruction develops the talents into something good and useful.

In the college setting, I see more students who have to be taught from the ground up and, as a result, their work is not as good as it could be. This is unacceptable.

If we want to avoid being sub-par, we need to stop having sub-par education programs. Do away with testing! Students are only learning what they're told to learn to pass a test. None of the information is soaking in at a beneficial level unless they're already actively seeking it.

To actively seek it, they must have educators who are allowed to do what they went into the education field for.

Sarah Hawkins


As long as it comes in at or under budget and it's adequate to do the job for the next 50 years, who cares what direction it faces?

Richard S Singleton


I was in the service industry a long time. Some folks are just angry and need someone to take it out on. Some folks can never be nice or happy. I understand not getting my order right is not necessarily the cashier's fault. I have had tons of wrong orders. When I went up to get them corrected, I have never had anyone be rude to me in a fast food establishment.

You know why? I am NICE. If they were rude to me, I would ask for a manager, if that didn't work I would contact headquarters.

There are channels that can solve problems. Yelling, cussing and screaming are not those channels.

Kathleen Williams Duffey


Anyone, any age who is serving you in any way for a living deserves your gratitude and respect.

Ginny Bauer

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Down with tests; respect those who serve food