LETTER: Alzheimer's advocacy forum takes place

The Alzheimer’s Association estimates there are more than five million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, including over 500,000 here in Florida. I am one of those people.

I was honored to participate with 1,200 others from across the country in the 28th annual Alzheimer’s Association Advocacy Forum in Washington D.C., where we appealed to Congress for action on Alzheimer’s disease.

 I'm the fourth generation within my family to have Alzheimer's disease. My great-grandmother, grandfather, and my mother all had Alzheimer's. I advocate on behalf of all those affected by Alzheimer's disease by bringing awareness and education to the public. I do this for the individuals that will come after me in hopes that something will be discovered to stop the progression, prevent the disease and finally to be a cure.

Thank you to Spencer Orenstein, Legislative Assistant to Representative Jeff Miller for meeting with our delegation to discuss the Alzheimer’s crisis. We're in great hopes that we can count on Representative Miller and his staff for their continued support.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Alzheimer's advocacy forum takes place