HELMS: Today, begin your relationship with God

To be able to talk to others about our Savior is truly a pleasure.

Many people are receptive to hear of His love and provisions for our lives, just as there are many who want nothing to do with God or His Son. 

And this is in our churches today. 

Sure, people attend church, they might even be involved in the different social aspects, but allow a close look at their lives and we determine that they do not want to be corrected by His Word, even to the point of being offended by His Word and our testimony. 

It is with deep regret that we often see these people only when things are going well, and their way is not being intruded upon. 

Visit the sick? Got it covered.  Give tithes and offerings? Easy.  Even giving to missions is a no-brainer.

But attendance more than twice a year, or once a week? Now you are getting on my rest time. 

Saturday morning breakfast? Only if the weather is too bad. 

We must quit playing church, and start developing our relationship with the heavenly Father.

We cannot call ourselves true believers if our lives are not really changed. 

We cannot and will not be pleasing to Father if our worship is strictly out of duty or done when it is convenient for us. 

Jesus died on His time. He was severely stressed and beaten down; it was not convenient for Him to die for us. 

And yet He did. 

His sacrifice should mean much more to us when we stop and realize that He did it because He loves us — not because it was the right day. It was the right day because God declared it.

My friend, this is the day for you to begin to develop a true and right relationship with Him. 

Love Him for who He is — the Son of God who died for you. 

Let Him into all aspects of your life.  The rewards of salvation alone are well worth our inconveniences.

Seek Him while He may be found.

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: Today, begin your relationship with God