CRESTVIEW CENTENNIAL: Commissioner Ketchel: 'We have so much to celebrate' (VIDEO)

CRESTVIEW — Okaloosa County Commissioner Carolyn Ketchel praised the new courthouse’s design during Crestview’s centennial celebration today on the Okaloosa Courthouse lawn.

“I think we’ll really be pleased with what we see on our Main Street,” she said, adding the estimated $25 million, almost 70,000-square-foot structure will be “a centerpiece for our community for years to come.”

Jubilation filled downtown Crestview as speaker after speaker approached the podium with praise for the city and anticipation for a new courthouse to replace a mold-laden 1950s structure.

Approximately 200 people listened to speakers including Mayor David Cadle, Main Street Crestview Association representative Pat Hollarn, Sen. Don Gaetz, County Commissioners Wayne Harris, Nathan Boyles and Carolyn Ketchel, Judge Michael Flowers and historical re-enactor James Moore, among others.

Among those attending the celebration included Circuit Judge Terry Ketchel, Sen. Greg Evers, County Commissioner Trey Goodwin, Crestview’s city councilmen and numerous city and county employees, and local law enforcement.


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CRESTVIEW CENTENNIAL: Commissioner Ketchel: 'We have so much to celebrate' (VIDEO)