HUBBUB: Readers' thoughts on garbage pick-up, police chief raise

Editor's Note: These are the most thoughtful comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.

Residents should be able to choose

Why does the county have to dictate what garbage company we use? Residents should be able to pick and choose the company they want. Should be an open market. Whether it be Waste Pro, Waste Management.

Todd Lawrence


Give Crestview’s police chief a raise

Give this guy a raise! Much deserved after reading his accomplishments! He has come up with ways to save the city money by refurbishing patrol cars instead of purchasing new ones!

Being a cop is a challenging, dangerous job. To be the top cop, I could not imagine the difficulty.

Thank you for your service!

Julio Escobar


First, improve the drug problem

I would like to see them improve the drug issues we have in this town. Our young people are finding it way too easy to get their hands on drugs — any type of drug.

How ’bout a raise for those type of improvements instead of a raise for doing what he was hired to do to begin with?

Barbara Williams-Seeley

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Readers' thoughts on garbage pick-up, police chief raise