HART: College campuses don't understand free speech

An Emory University degree just went down in value — again.

I’ve never been a fan of any Emory undergrad I’ve met. Emory is an expensive, whiny Northern rich kid’s college. Around Atlanta, its graduates are called "Em-roids" because of their entitled attitude — and they just proved why.

Emory students and their president are all in a prissy tizzy because there might be one or more Trump supporters on campus. When someone wrote in chalk “Trump 2016” around the campus, the school was all but locked down. Students cried and said they felt “unsafe.” They chanted protests to the president: “You are not listening! Come speak to us; we are in pain.” The president immediately had the admissions office look into how a Republican was admitted to Emory.

Responding to their Em-roid-rage, he then sent out a letter saying that he felt their pain. These princesses were offered grief counseling for the worst trauma of their lives: seeing Trump’s name.

The students then went into the Emory quad and played hacky sack (with helmets for safety) because it just felt right.

I never trust a college that doesn’t have a football team.

The First Amendment has died a slow death on college campuses, strangled over time by their left-wing bureaucracies. If our Founding Fathers came back to life today, they would (after visiting New York's Times Square theater district to catch the musical "Hamilton") be appalled at this Emory thing.

Campuses were supposed to be places where ideas are debated. Today, they are where opposing speech is labeled “hate” and shut down. Many college campuses cannot stand the idea of free speech unless it is speech they agree with; if they do not like what is said, they seek to silence the speaker.

The whole idea of free speech is that people are allowed to say things you do not agree with.

This weak millennial generation got participation trophies and expects us to applaud and positively reinforce the little they do. Jugglers, street mimes and community theater actors need applause; real leaders don’t. I cannot imagine Generals Patton or Eisenhower putting up with this. I just hope this generation does not have to go to war.

We know the left on college campuses love Bernie Sanders and hate Donald Trump. At a recent college campus rally, a woman took her top off, saying "Vote for Bernie Sanders."  She also made a nasty anti-Trump gesture. Men in attendance who watched her said she made two compelling points.

Sanders has the love of the narcissistic millennials who are not good at economics. (which means all millennials?). To them, Sanders is a rock star.  What is amazing is that he is the first person revered by this generation without a single nude selfie posted on social media.

And why do millennials always want to take selfies or film everything — even sex — that they do? I’m just the opposite. When I am done with sex I think to myself, "Well, at least no one had to see that."

The Emory kerfuffle came during the same week as the bad optics of President Obama doing the tango in Argentina while ISIS bombed Belgium and Iraq.

We may look weak and feckless as a world power these days, but we are still the world’s undisputed superpower when it comes to televised dance contests.

Ron Hart, a libertarian op-ed humorist and award-winning author, is a frequent guest on CNN. Contact him at Ron@RonaldHart.com or tweet@RonaldHart.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HART: College campuses don't understand free speech