Okaloosa jail ministry banquet is April 14

NICEVILLE — The Good News Jail & Prison Ministry Annual Fundraising Banquet is 6 p.m. April 14 at Crosspoint United Methodist Church Community Life Center.

Attendees will hear inspirational music from the men's quartet of Destin United Methodist Church, testimonies from former inmates and a ministry update from Chaplain John Lennon.

Proceeds support the Okaloosa County Jail chaplain and many programs that bring the gospel to county inmates.

The center is located at 214 S. Partin Drive, Niceville.

Chuck Turk, an event spokesperson, said the ministry reserves tables seating eight people for a $200 donation. Bible study groups, churches and individuals can also join together and purchase a table reservation. Admittance to the buffet is free the day of the event.

Contact Chuck Turk, 678-5827, or Chaplain John Lennon, 974-0301, for tickets and information on how you or your church can sponsor a table at the banquet.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Okaloosa jail ministry banquet is April 14