Homeowners, youths may apply for Do Something

Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in Baker is among those participating in the annual Do Something mission outreach program. [GOOGLE INC.]

BAKER — Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church's youth pastor, Justin Douglas, is accepting applications for youth volunteers, and North Okaloosa homeowners in need.

Douglas is a coordinator for Do Something, a national student camp mission project in which church youths tackle home repair and improvement projects free of charge for those who qualify.

Anyone in need, as well church youth groups, may apply at dosomethingcamp.com no later than May 1. Youths will work on house repairs and improvements June 10-16 in North Okaloosa County.

Youths for the first local Do Something in 2016 completed jobs for eight homeowners. Last year, they worked on 18 houses in Crestview and surrounding areas, including Laurel Hill, Mossy Head, Holt and Baker, and three backyard Bible clubs, would like to increase the number of people they help this summer.

"We'll go anywhere. If the need is there, we'll go wherever we need to go," Douglas said.

Advancing seventh- through 12th-grade students, with the help of experienced contractors and adult volunteers, do everything from installing wheelchair ramps to replacing roofs. They also do yard work, painting, and other activities for the homeowner, as well as back yard Bible clubs.

"We have contractors who come in and work with our students and make it all happen," Douglas said.

Youth groups that would like to participate this summer may also visit the website to enroll. Cost is $200 per student, and free for adults. The money is used to purchase supplies for the home projects.

More about Do Something

As a media release for the outreach effort states, "There are many people within our own community that have needs, and it's time that we 'do something' about those needs. Many homes that we pass by each day are in need of help and we think 'someone should 'do something' about that house."

The inspiration for Do Something also stems from James 2:14-26, which states, in part, "For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead."

Contact Justin Douglas, 537- 9221, for more about the program.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Homeowners, youths may apply for Do Something