Crestview Special Olympics Torch Run prepares athletes for April 9 event (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

CRESTVIEW — For Special Olympian Shawn Brown, knowing he has dozens of supporters in the Okaloosa County law enforcement community gives him confidence to compete in the April 9 Okaloosa-Walton Special Olympics.

“I’ve got my fingers crossed to go to state again this year,” the Special Olympian of the Year for 2016 said. “I was kind of nervous but (the law enforcement officers) back us.”

Last year Shawn competed — and medaled — in power lifting for the first time at state competition in Orlando. This year he joined the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics.

“It makes me feel proud they support us,” he said.

In addition to lifting, Shawn bowls, plays basketball, swims and plays bocce in Special Olympics. He graduates from Silver Sands School in June.

Nearly 40 law enforcement officers participated in the March 30 run from Publix to the Okaloosa County Veterans Memorial on Main Street at Courthouse Terrace.

The youngest runner was 11-year-old Special Olympian Jeffrey Barber, the county’s only Special Olympics cyclist, who will pedal this year in 1- and 2-kilometer races.

“It was fun!” he said after completing the run. “It was pretty cool. I never ran with them before.”

Okaloosa-Walton Special Olympics Director Damien McNeil said the organization can always count on the support of local law officers, such as the 28 Florida Department of Corrections runners who joined the run.

“The local support is wonderful,” McNeil said. “Okaloosa County is always so supportive of us.”

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview Special Olympics Torch Run prepares athletes for April 9 event (PHOTOS, VIDEO)