CROSE: We must make Crestview's theatre troupe a success

Many who live in Crestview want more culture and entertainment here; we don't want to drive to another city to see a play.

Crestview is Okaloosa County’s  seat, and we have fewer cultural activities than other towns in our county. But did you know we have a live theatre group called View from the Stage? A dedicated group of volunteers run it.

While we don't have a proper theatre stage with a curtain system and high lighting, terrific acoustics and comfortable seating, we can work with what is available.

In Crestview, that means Warriors Hall, which is large enough to stage a play. 

View from the Stage presents family-friendly plays, and its next performance will be a winter show, with the possibility of a summer review.

In any organization, volunteers are needed, and View from the Stage is no exception.

The group needs:

•A fundraising specialist

•Business sponsors

•Costume design and people who sew

•Set building

•Prop manager

•Stage hands

•Lighting crew

•Director’s assistants

•Strike crew


•Ushers and ticket sellers

•Donations for radio headsets for the technical crew

•Rehearsal space — a church hall, or a large flat indoor space

Contact Berit Faust,, if you’d like to help.

We need to pull together as a community and make this group a success.

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

See for more information on Crestview’s theatre troupe

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CROSE: We must make Crestview's theatre troupe a success