"Time is slipping away"

Calandra Stallworth [Megan Crabtree-Elbaioumy | Special to the News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — Calandra Stallworth, Crestview resident, has been missing since March of 2017. Her family copes on a day-by-day basis while the Crestview Police Department interviews some associated persons multiple times searching for clues.

"As a parent, you would wish that you would never have to go through something like this. In my wildest dreams I never thought I would have to go through this," Stallworth's mother Sheila Knight on Thursday said. "You see stuff like this on TV, but you never think that this would ever happen to you."

Stallworth, 28 at the time of her disappearance, has two young daughters. She maintained daily contact with her family until March of last year, Knight said. After not hearing from her, Knight filed her first missing person report that month.

"She used to call me everyday. This has really been hard…When Mother's Day comes around it just — and the kids — they really miss her. They talk about her a lot, so that's a good thing. Everybody's just taking one day at a time. That's all we can do.

"I just want … everyone to know that we all love her. We all miss her. There's not a day goes by that we don't all think about her," Knight said.

Knight filed the second missing person report April 2. Police closed the first report March 27 after Stallworth informed the police department that she had taken a getaway trip to Alabama with her boyfriend and had a poor cell phone signal, according to the department.

Knight said she wished the police had acted earlier.

"I feel like if they would have got on in there a little bit sooner, maybe we could have found some more answers. It seems like it's just slipping away. Time is slipping away and we still don't know where she is. It seems like we're still in the same spot…the same place, like we haven't moved, and it's very frustrating."

Responding to an email, a CPD Investigations division spokesperson said, "It is a frustrating case, but it is most certainly not a closed case. Every shred of evidence has been investigated and every person associated with the case has been interviewed, some multiple times. We welcome any information, no matter how seemingly insignificant, the public may have."

Anyone with information about Calandra Stallworth's case may contact Sgt. Ray Harp, 682-4157.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: "Time is slipping away"