HUBBUB: Readers' thoughts on service dog discrimination, music education

Editor's Note: These featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.


Let service dogs do their job

I think many around here need an education about service dogs and the fact that they are the only dogs that have public rights according to the (Americans with Disabilities Act.)  

… The dogs you see in a shopping cart or designer purse are not service dogs. The dogs you see in Walmart on an 8-foot leash rounding corners ahead of their handler and running up to greet customers are not service dogs! Every time one these dogs goes into a store and nobody says anything, they do it again and again.

Every time a handler allows a dog they present as a service dog to be petted, education takes a giant step backward.

… It's not that hard to turn around and avoid all contact and let them do their job.

Angie Stevenson Nousiainen


Don’t let feelings overcome logic

It's not discrimination. It's a choice, just like the veteran here made the choice for a service dog instead of a care giver.

You also don't have to feed and bathe a caregiver; that doesn't mean the caregiver can claim discrimination because the dog gets those things. Heck, even (Family and Medical Leave Act) guidelines don't apply to businesses with fewer than 50 or so employees. If you want those things, then work for the right companies.

Next, are we going to call it discrimination to require shirts and shoes in certain businesses?

What about concealed weapon license holders — is it discriminating to not allow them to carry their legal weapon in certain businesses at the proprietor’s direction?

Don't let feelings get in the way of logic, folks.

I feel bad for the lady, but no one said "she" couldn't come in, they said her dog couldn't.

Matt Gates


Need service dog to function

I had this same problem when I came down to vacation, Feb. 11 or 18, with my service dog. Ended up getting the (Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office) involved. Glad to see the news is finally getting out.

I need my dog to function in public. Without him, I can become disoriented, anxious to the point of flashback, and then only the "fight or flight" instincts kick in. This on top of the medications.

If not for my service dog, Luke, I wouldn't even be able to step foot into a crowded public place, or any public in general … I'll get panic attacks, nausea, all kinds of bad stuff.

John Gustafson


Arena-Rasberry connector unnecessary

I'm still dumbfounded as to how this will relieve traffic on (State Road) 85. The traffic isn't caused by people off of PJ (Adams Parkway) wanting to go to Lowes or Publix during rush hour, but people driving in from Eglin and Duke. We need another 85-(Highway) 90 connector. Having one way into town is creating the traffic problems.

Michelle Snavely


Dropping the ball

Too bad (Okaloosa County’s) music programs in elementary and middle schools are so poorly funded. (The) only way to get money is to have a large band program that marches for football games.

Escambia County Schools begin offering orchestral instruments in the fourth grade and, by the time they are in high school, they are performing renowned works.

To be No. 2 in the state for ability to pass standardized tests, we sure do drop the ball on performing arts education.

Ryan Mabry


Supporting downtown festivals

It’s always good to see positive and wholesome community events. It’s important to support those businesses that offer goods, services and support to our city and citizens; both those south and north of the railroad tracks.

Will Cantrell


Triple B a ‘refreshing’ change

I'm not from Crestview but I have been a vendor at the Triple B for five years in a row.

We have had nothing but a positive experience.

We always request a specific spot and Mrs. (Valerie) Lott always makes sure we get close to where we ask. She has always been friendly and pleasant to deal with; always checks on us that day, too.

Actually, this year Mr. (Derek) and Mrs. Lott both stopped by one of my booths to make sure everything was going good and thanked me for coming again — even bought something from me. We had a few people from the chamber stop and thank us.

We don't always get that kind of welcome at other festivals, and this one is a refreshing change.


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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Readers' thoughts on service dog discrimination, music education