Crestview boys travel team wins basketball tournament

Some of the Hub City Lakers are pictured left to right with their coaches. Front row: Head Coach Lemuel Velazquez, Coaches David Loggins and Morion Jones. Middle row: Robert Cruse, Marquen Cruse (team assistant), DeJhun Parks, Jason Osborne and Marcus Belle. Back Row: Fernando Velazquez, David Loggins III and Teekari Tolbert.

CRESTVIEW — The Hub City Lakers Amateur Athletic Union boys basketball team is celebrating.

The group won the 2016 March Madness Tournament, which took place March 18-20 in Pensacola.

Team members include: David Loggins III, Jason Osborne, Robert Cruse, De' Jhun Parks, Fernando Velazquez, Marcus Belle and Teekari Tolbert.

Coaches are Head Coach Lemuel Velazquez, David Loggins and Morion Jones. The team assistant is Marquan Cruse.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview boys travel team wins basketball tournament