Southside kids enjoy field day, Baker ROTC guests (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

CRESTVIEW — As pre-kindergarteners raced on all fours, high school students cheered them on.

Click here for a photo gallery from the event.

Baker School ROTC cadets spent Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at Southside Primary School’s field day, serving as line judges, coaches and cheerleaders as the kids, each dressed in a superhero’s cape, ran through their events.

During “Flash’s Team Relay,” one cadet guided a wayward relay runner back to her correct lane. On the “Spider-Man Crawl,” cadets helped retrieve Spidey gloves dropped as kids scrambled down the course.

“They’re fabulous!” Southside PE coach Kassy Johnson said of the volunteers. “They’re great with the kids, too.”

“I’m having fun,” Baker senior Courtney Kleback said. “Probably as much as the kids are.”

“It’s rewarding knowing we’re helping the little kids have fun,” freshman Aaryn Cooper added.

Baker sophomore Alisandra Stainback said volunteering for the field day combined two of her passions.

“I love kids. I’ve worked daycares for four years,” she said. “And I love ROTC.”

For Baker junior Peyton House, who spent his second field day DJ-ing with sophomore Alec Gilbert, it was also about setting a positive example.

“You see kids these days stuck on the phone all the time. They don’t do anything,” he said. “We’re showing people we’re not all the same.”

“They love all our kids,” Southside administrator Carol Ditmore said. “But they compete to see who can come help for the PKDs,” she added, referring to Tuesday’s field day for pre-kindergarteners with disabilities.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Southside kids enjoy field day, Baker ROTC guests (VIDEO, PHOTOS)