Crestview residents share inspirational talks during LDS women's conference

Violinist Ingrid Roberts of Crestview performed at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Women's Conference Feb. 27 in Fort Walton Beach.

FORT WALTON BEACH — Women of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their guests experienced a spiritual and musical feast during their annual conference Feb. 27 at the Fort Walton Beach Stake Center.

The theme was, "Women who know make important things happen by their faith,” based on Moroni 7:33: "And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me."

Tammy Jones, Stake Relief Society president; her assistants, Sally Reynolds and Priscilla Kelly; and Katrina Dilmore prepared an inspiring program.

Crestview resident Holly Tew shared "Live Like You Believe," a theme that embraced keeping the Sabbath Day holy and setting positive examples for family and friends by reading scriptures and making music a part of your family's lives.

In musical comedy style, Crestview resident Tristi Bond and Kelsea Kind, both young single adults, presented "The Stages of Womanhood."

Scott Brill, a U.S. Air Force chaplain, spoke of the women in his life: his mother, his wife and his missionary daughter who is serving in Manchester, England. The sacrifices women make for their families — based on Esther 4:4 — was his theme and he shared his mom's devotion to him and his sister while they were growing up.

Mike Roberts, FWB Stake president and Crestview resident, concluded with "A Plea to My Sisters."

Ingrid Roberts, first chair violin with the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra, began and ended her talk, "Loving One Another” — on how service can heal souls, and how to encourage and to teach children to serve others — with violin solos.

Naomi Vestel, who lived for a time in Nigeria, shared a video explaining the struggles of Nigerian-native church members and the great faith they had to persevere in the face of many trials.

A luncheon of soups served in bread bowls followed the luncheon. 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview residents share inspirational talks during LDS women's conference