Free prom dresses available for Northwest Florida teens in need

FORT WALTON BEACH – Z96 Radio (WZNS) and Santa Rosa Mall are filling The Z96 Prom Dress Store with dresses and accessories. They are also taking donations of new, almost new, and in-style dresses, purses, shoes and jewelry, that are new or in very good condition.

Dresses are provided free of charge to high school girls whose families may not have the financial means to purchase a dress for prom. 

Girls are encouraged to contact the radio station or their high school guidance counselor for a referral to Z96.  Anyone in need will be able to "shop by appointment" for a free dress at The Z96 Prom Dress Store, that will be located in Santa Rosa Mall.

Donations can be dropped off from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays at the Santa Rosa Mall office, 300 Mary Esther Blvd, Mary Esther; or at Z96 Radio, 225 Northwest Hollywood Boulevard in Fort Walton Beach.

This is the 12th year that Z96 has operated the store, and last year about 100 young ladies received free dresses.

A large number of dresses will be available, but we cannot guarantee that every girl will find a dress in her size or style.  Dixie Service Cleaners will provide dry cleaning services if necessary for any dress at a great discount.

For more information, call Z96 at 243-7676 during business hours. 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Free prom dresses available for Northwest Florida teens in need