13 things you didn't know about Crestview's Hannah Dukes

Crestview High School softball Coach Holly Gibson says sophomore catcher Hannah Dukes stepped up as a team leader at a young age.

CRESTVIEW — Hannah Dukes, a Crestview High School sophomore, has a promising future on the softball team.

She stepped in as the starting catcher this year. Through six games, she leads the team in hitting out of the two spot in the batting order.

“She has really stepped up as a leader at a young age,” Crestview Coach Holly Gibson said. “She has a great arm. She’s aggressive. She knows how to take the angles to make the best throws possible. She knows how to take charge.”

Gibson said if Dukes continues to work hard and listen to coaches, college softball could be in her future.

We now catch up with Hannah Dukes.

How old were you when you started playing softball?

Probably when I was 8 or 9.

What's the best part of softball?

The excitement of winning with your team.

What's the worst part of softball?

Conditioning can be rough, but I understand why we do it.

What are your expectations this season?

I’m hoping we can go to state or at least make the playoffs.

If you had to pick a different sport to play, what would it be?

Volleyball, because I played it in the seventh and eighth grade.

What is your favorite softball experience?

Probably when I was in the national tournament when I was 14 and first started playing travel ball.

What are your hobbies outside softball?

I love reading and drawing.

What's your dream career?

Criminal justice.

Do you want to play college softball?

Yes. My dream school would be (the University of) Georgia, because I was born and raised there and I have history there.

What is your favorite movie?

I don’t really have a favorite. But I’d probably pick “The Book of Eli.”

Who is your favorite singer?

Three Doors Down.

If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be?

Wonder Woman, because she’s just cool.

If you could live in any other period in history, which one would you choose?

I’d live in the Classical Era, around when the Renaissance started. Back then they invented new stuff and it seems different.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 13 things you didn't know about Crestview's Hannah Dukes