LETTER: Do Florida Lottery ticket holders know they're supporting this?

Yesterday I was watching the Daytona 500 from my home. (I would have gone but I spent all my money on the Florida Lottery Tickets last week.)

Great race, but saw car No. 38 is sponsored by the Florida Lottery Fund. Now how could that be? I was under the impression that the lottery money — part went to the winner and part went to the Florida Schools, but to be sure I look it up on the FloridaLottery.com and found the following:

●65 percent used for prizes

●26.8 percent Transferred to Education(that's not very much)

●5.5 percent paid to Retailers

●1.4 percent goes to Vendors

●1.3 percent used for Operating Expenses

Total: 100 percent

So I am assuming that I am now a stockholder in sponsoring NASCAR Front Row Motorsports Car No. 38.

That was really not what I had in mind about how my money was to be spent, but seeing how I'm a stockholder now, do I collect my winnings if No. 38 wins any races?

And if they do not win but come in at third, do I get $5 or a free ticket? (By the way, No. 38 came in at 11th in the Daytona 500.)

So little Johnny and Sally, if you're wondering where your school supplies went this morning, it's because we had to buy a few sets of tires for No. 38's next race.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Do Florida Lottery ticket holders know they're supporting this?