Emerald Coast Junior League schedules Kentucky Derby showing, silent auction

Best Dressed Couple 2015 winners Enzo Culio and Stephanie Ockunzzi.

DESTIN — A fundraising party for the Junior League of the Emerald Coast will feature a live showing of the142nd Kentucky Derby, a silent auction, and more.

 The 2nd Annual Derby Party is 3-7 p.m. Saturday, May 7 at Emerald Bay Golf Club.

Attendees may enjoy Run for the Roses Raffle and contests for the best Derby hat, best dressed couple, best bow tie and biggest hat. Guests will enjoy classic mint juleps, a southern-style luncheon and live music and dancing.

Early bird tickets are $45 through April 10, and increase to $55 afterward. Purchase at https:www//jlec.org.

For more information about sponsorship or donation opportunities, contact 269-7234 or hq@jlec.org.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Emerald Coast Junior League schedules Kentucky Derby showing, silent auction