HELMS: Preaching may not be popular, but it shows love

The book of Matthew, chapter 22, tells of a wedding in which many were invited, but few accepted the invitation. 

At the king's request, his servants went out in the streets and brought in all who would go to be guests at this wedding.

One man chose to attend, but was not properly attired, for he did not have on the wedding garments. When confronted, he had no real answer and was cast out, bound, into outer darkness, where there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Jesus said, "Many are called, but few are chosen." He was stating that there would be great torment for those who tried to attend His marriage supper without wearing the proper garments.

Isaiah 61:10 describes how the Lord clothes us with garments of salvation, and decks us out with robes of righteousness.  

We also know there is no other name by which we might be saved.  Acts 15:11 names the Lord as Jesus Christ. He is indeed the author and finisher of our salvation, and to try to come in any way besides Him will be rejected. 

In the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 21:8, we see a list of things that God will put into the lake of fire. We cannot be a liar and expect to go to Heaven; all who commit what the Bible calls abominations, such as sexually immoral acts — none of these will make it to heaven.

My job is not to judge you, but to warn you of judgment to come and what God has stated in His Word.

My friends, we are not called to condone sin.

James summed it up in a simple sentence. H said that to know to do good, and not do it, is sin. To not witness is a sin. To not live a life of holiness is a sin.

You may have your weak moments, but you should never seek to sin. To do so is to allow sin in your life, and you may miss out on that beautiful promise of heaven.

And if you do not stand for the Bible, and God's demands of Holiness, your friends and loved ones may never hear or see the sermon that only you can preach. 

Defend the Word; stand for Christ. It may not be popular, but it shows the true love you have for humankind. 

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: Preaching may not be popular, but it shows love