BROADHEAD: Having faith requires follow-up

The sight of a chipmunk reminds the Rev. Mark Broadhead of a life lesson he learned as a child.

As a child, I wanted to catch a chipmunk running around my back yard, so I set up a box-with-a-stick-and-a-string trap.  

I put peanuts under the box, set the string, and waited for the chipmunk. Eventually, the critter showed up to have a snack. At just the right time, I pulled the string; the box dropped and trapped the chipmunk.

I was so excited! I ran to tell my mother, who came outside to check it out. Sure enough, when we got close to the box we could hear frantic scratching against the cardboard.

My mother saw my pride at having outsmarted the creature. Then she said six words that sent my head spinning, “Okay. You’ve got it. Now what?”

Sometimes, getting hold of something requires taking a next step.

Becoming Jesus' follower is a gift for which many search but don’t realize. Once they make that decision, it is life-changing. But how does one know what to do with Jesus once you’ve got hold of him?

My suggestion is to realize that you do not have a hold on Jesus. Rather, he has a hold on you. He has called to your mind and heart for quite some time. He has let you know in many ways how fond of you he is. He has waited for you to recognize his presence.

Once you recognize his call, you open yourself to be fully embraced by him. You respond to his loving grace, his presence and his forgiveness. All you need do is hang on to him, and ask him to help you to grow.

Recognize his Lordship and the gift of life he has offered. Then you can live your life to honor him.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BROADHEAD: Having faith requires follow-up