Walker Elementary moms help students learn about mass

Sandra Robinson's first grade students present the beanie babies they made in class Dec. 11 at Walker Elementary School. Back row: Johnnie Callahan, Naheem Hardrick, Gabby Geiger, Isabella Adams, Trenton Sadler, Ashley Powers (whose beanie baby had the least mass), Freddrick Carthon, Ayden Pereira. Front row: Shane Roberts, Jakob Blount, Lilly Garcia, Alyssa Gallagher, Sariah Addison (whose beanie baby had the most mass), Talia Union, and Trisity Land.

CRESTVIEW — Sandra Robinson's first-graders now have a greater understanding of mass.

The Walker Elementary School students learned the difference between most mass and least mass after science experiments and help from classroom moms.

Students created bean-stuffed toys, similar to Beanie Babies, and weighed them to show whose toys had the most and least amount of mass on Moms Matter Day.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Walker Elementary moms help students learn about mass