HUBBUB: Guest columnist was unfair; enough about anti-Muslim incident

Editor's Note: Facebook fans had plenty to say about business chains' interest in Crestview, guest columnist Mark Hopkins' comparison of 2015 and 2008, and the anti-Muslim incident at a Crestview grocery store.

Here are some of their comments.

New business rumor

I have heard that, for a long time, Crestview did not have the necessary traffic count to attract new businesses.

However, that situation has changed on State Road 85.

Now, we have an issue with another demographic. Although businesses like the traffic count, they are concerned that the average annual income of the residents in the area is not high enough to risk building in Crestview.

Patrick Humphrey 

Guest columnist cherry-picked stats

Your stats seem to be cherry-picked half truths.

For example, number of military deaths in 2008 vs. 2015; you ignore the fact that there were more military deaths in Afghanistan in 2009-2010 than from 2001-2008 combined.

Or, if you combine any two years' deaths between 2009 and 2013, it totals more deaths than the total between 2001 and 2008.

You also fail to mention that unemployment numbers are skewed low because we are at the lowest labor participation rate in decades. The rate is 4 percent lower in 2015 than it was in 2008.

Will you give Obama credit for that?

Don Robison 

2015 still had its challenges

ISIS has advanced, our country is looked down upon, and the list goes on.

Terri Marie Owens 

Enough about the bacon-tossing incident

Sometimes, you have to look over the small stuff. This guy was most likely being a jerk, but no one was hurt, so why make a big deal over it?

Just forgive them and go on with your life.

Kelly Ross Fryman

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Guest columnist was unfair; enough about anti-Muslim incident