HELMS: North Okaloosa Christians, are you ready for the rapture in 2016?

Jan Luyken's "One in the Field" — published in Bowyer's Bible, Bolton, England — depicts the rapture, the belief that Christians, dead and alive, who lived the gospel will rise together to heaven. The Rev. Richard Helms, a Crestview pastor, ponders what would happen if the rapture were to occur this year.

I pray that your New Year is filled with the glory of God. 

But I have a question for you:  What if the world ended today? 

Perhaps you believe in the rapture of the church, and look forward to it.  Your ideology may have you convinced as to when this may occur, or you may question if it will. 

Either way, are you ready to meet the Father of all things and receive judgment for your life? 

Are you truly ready to go?

I come from a rather large family. Looking at natural dynamics, you would think that the oldest would be called to God first, and then the younger. 

Not so. 

Yes, the oldest uncle went home this year, but he was not the first of his siblings, and two of his children preceded him. 

Age is no determining factor of when you are going home.  Illness and disease are not factors, either. 

We just do not know if tomorrow will bring us another day, so we must live life completely, sweetly hold to the Master's hands, and do all that we can to bring joy into this world, especially giving security of heaven to others around us by leading them to Christ. 

Christian friend, if you have never led someone to the Lord for salvation, you have no fruit. Christ, if you remember, cursed the fig tree that bore no fruit. 

How much more will we be judged if we do not make the effort to have fruit; win others? 

 May your new year be filled with much fruit. May you win a multitude this year, and do not grow weary of doing so. 

I know that you and I will be rejected, even made fun of, possibly persecuted, for any stand we make for Christ. 

Let me assure you, the effort will make the reward sweeter.  

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: North Okaloosa Christians, are you ready for the rapture in 2016?