Optometrists, church give free eye exams, glasses in Crestview and Pensacola

Dr. Alexandra Schuette examines Carol Hassett's eyes Dec. 24 at Gulf Coast Vision Center in Crestview. Hassett is Lifepoint Church's soup kitchen coordinator.

CRESTVIEW — Some area residents see more clearly these days.

On Dec. 24, Gulf Coast Vision Center employees, the Rev. Mark English and Lifepoint Church worked together to provide free eye exams and glasses for more than 24 people.

Drs. Douglas Reynolds and Alexandra Schuette, along with their staffers, worked at vision center sites in Pensacola and Crestview, respectively.

Reynolds annually partners with a local church or community organization to provide eye care at Christmas.

English connected him with Oliver and Carol Hassett, who runs LifePoint's soup kitchen on Wednesdays, to identify people for the service.

Recipients included homeless people, "cancer patients and those needing a simple hand Up," a spokesperson said.

"Dr. Reynolds looks forward to the coming years serving this amazing community."

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Optometrists, church give free eye exams, glasses in Crestview and Pensacola