Restaurant's closure concerns Crestview residents

CRESTVIEW — A  number of local residents are concerned about a Chinese restaurant's shutdown after failing a random inspection.

The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation issued an emergency closure to Hunan — 3375 S. Ferdon Blvd. — Dec. 22 for 25 violations, according to the department's inspection reports.

An inspector found 15 live cockroaches inside the kitchen area, with 10 live roaches on egg cartons. Six dead cockroaches also were present. Other violations included employees touching ready-to-eat food with bare hands, using pesticide labeled only for use in residential homes and not properly separating raw meats from ready-to-eat vegetables.

Hunan reopened, with approval, Dec. 23 and passed its follow-up inspection, but still had 15 violations. The department's inspector found a dying cockroach on the kitchen floor. Additional dead cockroaches also were present; they were discarded and the area around where they were found was cleaned while the inspector was there, according to the report.

The News Bulletin's Facebook fans expressed concerns about the incident.

"When will these business owners wake up?" Kristin Irons  said. "Too many of these places keep getting shut down due to major violations.

"Step up your game Crestview."

"How were they able to reopen with dying cockroaches and 15 citations?" Kat Welty said.

One resident took it all in stride.

"As long as they don't shut down Taco Town, I'm good!"

Shaangeliah Smith said. 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Restaurant's closure concerns Crestview residents